Gard + Digital Norway

Did you know that Gard is one of Digital Norway’s owners? Create a user to get access to free learning!


Intro to the basics of Office 365

Improve your basic digital skills. Through this short introductory course, you’ll learn how to become a more confident and efficient user of Office 365.

In the course you will learn more about:

How to access the course?

To access the course and our course catalogue you need to create a user account at Digital Norway. This is free. You do this the first time you take a course.

Do you already have a user?

At the top right, you will see that it says “Log inn”. Click the button and log in with the same username and password as when you registered. Here you can also receive a new password if necessary.

The Login is inn Norwegian, but if you follow the steps below you will soon be logged in 👇

  1. Enter your mail address

2. Enter your password

3. Press the “logg inn” button and update this page.

Do you want to learn more?

Click on the picture and get access to more courses from Digital Norway 👇

Learn about digitalisation through free courses from DigitalNorway

Digital Norway is a non-profit organisation established in 2017 by some of the largest companies in Norway, with support from the public sector. Gard has been with us as one of the owners from the start.

Our goal is to secure access to the knowledge and network needed by employees and businesses in Norway in today’s digital world. We do this by offering free courses, learning journeys, webinars and digital as well as physical meeting places.

Digital Norway also fuels large collaborative projects in data sharing that is set to accelerate the digitalisation of the Norwegian business community. Our focus is on advancing the interests of small and medium-sized businesses in various forums and, in doing so, finding solutions that ensure good framework conditions for these companies in relevant official committees.