TRINITY: Funding and support for agile production

The EU project TRINITY aims to increase the use of agility in production by the use of robotics, IoT and Cyber Security to advanced production.
If you are working within manufacturing or production and want to take your business one step further into the future, the TRINITY project should be of interest to you. The project started 1 January 2019, and lasts until 31 December 2022. Within this period, there will be two rounds of open calls, where small and medium enterprises (SMEs) can apply for technical and financial support for innovation projects concentrating around cyber security, internet of things (IoT) or robotics.
Opportunities for advancement in agile production
-The TRINITY project gives us the opportunity to help SMEs and slightly large companies make advancement in agile production through uptake of advanced robotics, IoT and cyber security to advanced production and manufacturing. The knowledge and ideas derived from the network of Digital Innovation Hubs that take part in TRINITY are brought back to our local ecosystem as an inspiration for Norwegian SMEs, says Pavan Sriram, Head of International Projects at DigitalNorway.
-We are happy to say the Norwegian companies who recently applied for support and funding in the first open round have been very satisfied with our assistance. We are excited to see the outcome of the applications which is expected in the first week of June, and also to start the second round of applications in 2021.
A year into the project, the first round of open calls has been closed. 10 Norwegian companies are currently competing for funding for different projects that are able to apply robotics and related technologies to agile production.
Use cases and modules works as examples
In exploring how to make production more agile, the project has developed 18 use case demonstrators and 22 modules. These function as examples on how companies can apply novel technology to their production or manufacturing line, and in turn become more digitalised, increase their productivity, or sharpen their security measures.
The project serves as a one-stop shop for methods and tools to achieve highly intelligent, agile and reconfigurable production, which will ensure Europe’s welfare in the future. The next open call in which companies can apply for funding will take place in 2021. As a project partner, DigitalNorway assist Norwegian companies with their applications, and provide relevant information about important milestones for the project.
If you have questions about the TRINITY project or other EU projects, we would like to hear from you. Please contact Pavan Sriram for more information.
First year report for TRINITY
The report includes details on progress, milestones, dissemination events and use case demonstrations.

Digital Innovation Hub
DigitalNorway is one of five fully operational Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) in Norway. Our far-reaching network provides great opportunities for SMEs, and allows us stay on top of the latest trends and developments within digital innovation.

About Trinity: The TRINITY project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement nº 825196.