intro course

What are digital assistants in the working life?

Learn about what digital assistants are, and how they can make your workday simpler and more effective.

15 minutes

8 modules

Suitable for everyone

Intro course

About the course

Many of us are curious about what really lies behind all the new terms that have emerged recently: Digital assistants, virtual assistants, AI assistants, chatbots, copilots, and so forth.

With this course, we aim to provide you with a clarification of terms regarding what digital assistants are, what they can be used for, and how they can help improve your workday.

How practical and comfortable it would be to have your own assistant! Someone to keep track of your everyday life, fix simple tasks and take care of all the small jobs that steal your time. Or someone who can help you finish the draft of a report, keep track of time reporting and write the report from that meeting.... 

Today, there are many ways of simplifying your life with the help from one or more digital assistants. 

At the same time, having control of what this means is challenging – there’s a plethora of different words and terms that are almost interchangeable, such as digital assistants, virtual assistants and artificially intelligent assistants. 

That’s why we’ll help you by explaining the different terms, increase your understanding of the technology behind digital assistants and – last but not least – show you how to use them simply and effectively.  

Here’s what you’ll learn: 

  • What digital assistants are and what their characteristics are 
  • Which tasks they can help you perform 
  • Examples of different kinds of digital assistants 
  • How to use digital assistants 

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